07.06. - 04.07. | 01.09. - 12.09.2025
Active in sports
Running and Nordic Walking in Längenfeld
You can experience Gries when running or Nordic walking on a network of routes covering 120 kilometres, divided into 18 sections, with 5 possible starting points. Running and Nordic Walking are among the most popular sports worldwide. Because they involve everyday movements that almost anyone can master, the psychological barrier for this type of activity is low. Everyone can run at his or her own individual pace, and it makes a contribution towards promoting good health and even towards improving the health and wellbeing.
Extract from the offers
Exercise ergometry
with lactate measurement on a treadmill or bicycle, including the creation of a detailed workout plan
Muscle function diagnostics
with bio-impedance analysis (analysis of body composition: fat mass, body cell mass, water balance)
lung function test on a treadmill or bicycle, including the creation of a detailed workout plan